

Changing attitudes and policies around food literacy in the classroom, school food, and family meals is what we're doing here. We hope to be a source of ideas and inspiration. We want to be a resource for change. We field questions about how to create change in order to lead healthier lifestyles and welcome them always! Here are a few questions and answers that many have asked...


How do we school administrators to buy into creating interactive learning environments?

Answer: It is true that without buy-in from the key players, the odds of success are greatly reduced. That being said, school administrators are one of the keys to success in educational environments and every situation is different. Their support makes implementation and sustainability possible. Create a plan. Ensure there is a timeline, staff, and access to funds to get things started. Do the work for them. There are plenty of examples of various interactive teaching environments and their effects on learning. Don’t feel like you have to re-invent the wheel. There are so many resources available, so sell it to them. Once they understand the significance, they will become advocates and determine a way to make it happen organizationally.



How do we begin to meet potential collaborators?

Answer: Get up and get out. People are talking, people are sharing, people are making changes. There are various ways to meet people who are making it their business to be involved in this movement. Look for workshops and seminars. Make phone calls, connect on-line, follow them on the web and social media. People are happy to share what they are doing especially when it is for the benefit of health, education and children.



What are some ways to fundraise to support food literacy and school lunch programs?

Answer: To receive government funding though the USDA, become a sponsor of the National School Lunch Program. Yes, there is a lot of work to do, but they are financially supporting lunch programs. Grant opportunities are available as well as community support. Reach out and ask. Explore on-line resources.