Garden Calendar

The garden-based lessons that follow range from harvesting and cover crop sowing to seed starting and worm composting. They feature well known books, including The Honeybee Man by Lela Nargi and Compost Stew: An A to Z Recipe for the Earth by Mary McKenna Siddals, and include healthy recipes to help reinforce the concepts introduced. Use the whole curriculum throughout the year or pick and choose what fits into your existing curriculum. The possibilities to learn and have fun in the garden are endless!


Garden Calendar


The garden-based lessons that follow range from harvesting and cover crop sowing to seed starting and worm composting. They feature well known books, including The Honeybee Man by Lela Nargi and Compost Stew: An A to Z Recipe for the Earth by Mary McKenna Siddals, and include healthy recipes to help reinforce the concepts introduced. Use the whole curriculum throughout the year or pick and choose what fits into your existing curriculum. The possibilities to learn and have fun in the garden are endless!

While the Garden Calendar lessons found here were created based on the growing calendar for Zone 7, they can be mixed and matched to apply to any growing calendar in the country.

Educators can choose to teach these lessons throughout the year in order, or one at a time where they best fit into an existing classroom curriculum and schedule. While we realize that not every school will have a full garden or kitchen, we encourage educators to be creative, think outside of the box, and try to mold each lesson to your specific needs and environment. These lessons should not be thought of as permanent and unchangeable but rather as templates for you to evolve, modify, and develop into what works best for you and your students, wherever you are.


Seed Saving

Putting the Garden to Bed

Worm Bins

Garden Planning & Seed Starting


Composting & Bed Preparation

Companion Planting & Square Foot Gardening

Direct Sowing and Planting Transplants