People are talking about EcoSpaces; here is a taste of what they're saying.
First Lady Michelle Obama Visits the EcoSpaces Education Model School, Philip’s Academy
“The students are fully integrating education with food in a constantly evolving atmosphere. They are learning about sustainability, health, and wellness – and most importantly are combining these concepts with behaviors that transcend school and enter their homes.”
— Kendall Kish, From Marcus Samuelsson’s blog
“Nothing goes to waste through composting, even using used rinds to dye yarn. Philip’s Academy is a shining example for the other schools in the state.”
— Douglas H. Fisher, New Jersey Secretary of Agriculture
“The sense of family and community that comes together around that table, for their 45-minute lunch break, impresses me more than their 6-foot-long salad bar full of vegetables from their rooftop garden.”
— Mario Batali, The Huffington Post, “The Importance of the Family Dinner”
“EcoSpaces is a program we are always excited to talk about when sharing info about farm to school. The program’s curriculum impacts every student’s perception of healthy food, where it comes from and what tastes great, even if it is green!”
— Beth Feehan, Farm to School Program Coordinator, NJ Dept. of Ag